Indian long hair Girls

Indian long hair Girls
Indian long hair Girls

Friday, 30 March 2012

long hair combing and styling Video

This video demonstrates how to comb your long hair. This beautiful girl Nisha does combing as her hobby and she enjoys while styling. Her smiling face shows it!.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Hair Styles by South Indian Girls

long hair tied with duppata to prevent pollution and dust
long hair tied with duppata to prevent pollution and dust.

Mallu long hair girl in bus stand
Mallu long hair girl in bus stand.

Long hair ladies
Long hair ladies waiting for bus in Guindy.

Kannada long hair girl
Kannada long hair girl returning from college.

Braided long hair girl
Beautifully braided long hair beautified with rose.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Long loose hair style for Modern girls

Open loose long hair style by Calcutta girl.
Open loose long hair style by Calcutta girl.

Modern way to style your hair
This is modern way to style your hair.

Famous hair styles by most of Indian girls
This is the famous hair styles by most of Indian girls.

Traditional long hair style by Tamil girl
This is traditional long hair style by Tamil girls.

Wet long hair
Wet long hair after a hair wash dripping water.

How to twist towel to make turban video

Have you washed your hair? Do you feel difficult to dry your wet long hair? This video demonstrates the proper way to make a towel turban on your hair. It automatically dries your hair by absorbing water.

African long hair girls

White long hair by African girl
White long hair by African girl.

Silky white long haired African girl
Silky white long haired African girl.

Modern African long hair girl wearing jeans trousers
Modern African long hair girl wearing jeans trousers.

loose long hair freestyle by African women
loose long hair freestyle by African women.

African girl in ponytail
African girl in ponytail.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Long hair girls in Indian TV shows and serial actress

Malayali long hair girl singing in Asia net channel.

Miss long hair award received by Tamil girl.

long hair girl cooking in Sub TV show.

long hair girl from Vijay TV show.

long hair jockey Arc from Sun TV.

long hair lady from Srilankan TV show.

Hair Styling Video Download

Long hair styling no more needed to be done in parlors and saloons. It can be done in your house itself. Check this video by Indian long hair girl styles.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Tamil Nadu Girls with their long hair Styles

long hair braid.
Tamil girl from Tirunelveli in churidar with long hair braid.

open long hair with knots and tangles
Messed up open long hair with knots and tangles. The girls is from Salem.

Loose long hair braid
Loose long hair braid of women from Coimbatore waiving at ends.

Hip length long hair lady
Hip length long hair lady from Madurai in saree.

Evenly braided thick long hair
Evenly braided thick long hair by Trichy girl.

Long hair Shampooing by Indian girl

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Homely Chennai long hair girl in her regular routine in home

Long hair brushing
Long hair brushing by Chennai girl.

Long hair styles
Long hair styles by Indian girls.

long hair Indian women
long hair Indian women busy at house hold works.

Indian long hair women
long hair women sweeping her house to make clean and tidy.

knee length long hair
women with knee length long hair.

Indian girl blow drying long hair video

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Long hair combing by Indian Village girl

This is the ancient traditional way of long hair combing by Indian village girls. They spend quality time for combing and caring their hair. They pamper their hair for 30 to 120 minutes daily.

Long hair girls from Indian Villages

Modern long hair girl
Modern long hair girl from a village in chennai.

Village long hair women in saree
Village long hair women in saree wear.

Madurai long hair girl
Madurai long hair girl with thick braid.

Curly long hair ponytail
Curly long hair made to a ponytail.

Chinese long hair girl
Chinese long hair girl in water falls in a Indian village.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Asian Girls with traditional beautiful long hair styles

தமிழ் பெண்கள் நீளமான கூந்தல் உள்ளவர்கள் . (Tamil Girls always used to have long hair) Ya friends Tamil Nadu girls abide the Asian tradition of long hair care.

Traditional Long hair care routine by Tamil and Malayalam Girls
  • Sunday its the day to go out for shopping so most of the college girls take head bath and shampoos their hair.
  • Monday its day for busy work schedule. They just make their hair in braids and start to their work.
  • Tuesday most of the girls shampoo their hair and use shikakai to wash their hair and rinse it properly to get rid of any lice if any in long hair.
  • Wednesday its the day for oiling the hair.
  • Thursday the make thick braids out of the oiled hair and carry forward with modern layered hair styles.
  • Friday is the sacred day and they take head bath with shampoo or shikakai and towel dry their long hair. This can be seen in most of streets at morning 7 to 11 o clock on all Fridays in residential areas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu including Chennai. After drying before the water drips out from the edges of the wet hair they go to any nearby temple and pray. This is the highlight of Asian tradition of long hair care.
Here are some of images posted with the traditional Asian hairstyles made by Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam long hair women.

loose lovely long hair
loose lovely long hair tied with a clip.

long hair girl on road
long hair girl image captured on roads.

long hair blanket
long hair covered her body as a blanket.

long hair sliding in front
Sujatha the Indian lady poses with her long hair sliding in front.

Curly long hair girl
Curly long hair girl decorated with rose flowers.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Loose long hair style made by Telugu Girls

Butt length long hair
Butt length long haired women.

South Indian long hair actress
South Indian long hair actress.

Uncombed long hair
Uncombed long hair till touching her waist.

Neatly combed long hair
Neatly combed long hair pinned with middle clip and hair pins.

long hair tied with jasmine flowers
Neatly brushed long hair tied with jasmine flowers.

A new hair style by Indian girls

Video of hair make over and styling done by Indian girl. She teases her hair and combs it hard and makes various styles out of it.

Indian Women getting their long hair shaved in Temple Festival

long hair women praying in temple.
long hair women praying in temple.

before head shave
Indian long hair lady with her kid before head shave.

 head shaved in temple festival
Indian women head shaved in temple festival.

lady after long hair cut
Indian lady after long hair cut.

Bald long hair women
Bald long hair women after head shave